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3D Time-of-Flight and 60 GHz Radar – how two complementary technologies enable differentiating features, meet regulations and make the car safer

Event: InCabin Brussels
| Published: 4th July 2023

Hear from:

Martin Lass
Marketing Manager,


In-Cabin Monitoring Systems becoming more and more important to fulfill regulations and NCAP rating requirements like for driver monitoring (DMS) and child presence detection (CPD). Additionally, these systems offer a huge potential to add comfort, innovation and new services while enhancing passive safety. Learn more about the tremendous progress of 3D Time-of-Flight and 60 GHz Radar as complementary technologies addressing these use-cases and being the key enabler for differentiating features. See latest examples how 3D data can fulfill the EuroNCAP 2030 vision towards smart airbags or why 3D depth data can enrich your driver monitoring system by secure 3D face-ID. Get insights into the latest achievements in 60GHz Radar, a highly optimized and cost efficient seat occupant detection solution including robust CPD and intrusion alert.
Key takeaways
There is not the one sensing technology matching all requirements from regulation and the market
60 GHz Radar perfectly matches child presence detection, occupant detection including intrusion alert functionality
Secure 3D face authentication enables highest level of differentiation and the era of real seamless connectivity
Depth data is the key if camera systems shall enable smart airbags

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