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A General Camera Model: The EMVA 1288 Standard Release 4.0 and Lossless Image Compression

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: 5th October 2023

Hear from:

Bernd Jaehne
Professor of Physics and Computer Science,

IWR Heidelberg University

Until Release 3.1, the globally used EMVA standard 1288 was limited to describe the performance parameters of linear cameras without further processing based on a system theoretic approach. With the new release 4.0, in effect since June 2021, this approach was extended to characterize nonlinear, HDR and multimodal cameras with the rich toolset of the standard.
The new general system model with an arbitrary characteristic curve also makes it possible to extend the concepts for lossless image compression based on noise equalization from linear cameras to any type of cameras.

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