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Advanced Image Sensors Are Paving the Way for Safer Roads & Level 3+ Driving Automation

Event: AutoSens Detroit
| Published: 24th May 2023

Hear from:

Sergey Velichko
Senior Manager, ASD Technology and Product Strategy,


There are many challenges for mass-produced cars when transitioning to higher levels of autonomy. Continuous safety improvements based on Vision Zero principles are needed. Performance stability across high temperatures is key to supporting all ADAS functions. We will explore how advanced surround sensing and viewing system designs can support the most challenging corner cases across all automotive temperatures. We will demonstrate how Hyperlux, a new family of image sensors, can help ADAS and autonomous driving systems achieve higher levels of object detection in urban, rural, and highway environments. With side-by-side comparisons, the presentation will show the results for surround viewing, e-mirror, and other viewing applications with true color crisp videos of extreme lighting scenarios. We will conclude with how increased performance, speed, and advanced features can be supported by simplifying camera designs and with less system training – enabling a smooth transition to level 3+ autonomous driving.

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