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Panel Discussion: Zonal, Central, and Chiplet Trends – What are the Architecture Implications from a Vision and Sensing Perspective?

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: 5th October 2023

Hear from:

Asif Anwar


Executive Director – Automotive End-Market Analysis,


Frank Schirrmeister
Executive Director, System Solutions,


Chuck Gershman
CEO, Co-Founder,


Nirav Dharia
Sensor Architect Lead,

Waymo LLC

Panel Discussion: Zonal, Central, and Chiplet Trends – What are the Architecture Implications from a Vision and Sensing Perspective? 


Performance vs. Cost; Redundancy vs. Complexity; Latency vs Complexity; and Scalability vs. Integration: how do we balance the competing demands of ever-increasingly complex E/E Architectures? Future-proofing vision and sensing capabilities requires an in-depth understanding of the impacts of these architectural paradigm trends and their potential influence on the integration of ADAS/AVs. 


This panel will explore the trade-offs between distributed zonal processing, consolidated central control, and modular chiplet designs within the automotive industry.  

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