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Discussion: Enabling Pure Solid State Scanning LiDAR by Leveraging High Volume, Scalable, Highly Reliable VCSEL Arrays

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2020
High brightness, 2D VCSEL (vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers) arrays are an enabling component for Pure Solid-State High Resolution LiDAR. VCSEL have been used in high volume data-communication market for 20 years, and for the last 5 years in mobile devices for 3D sensing. The automotive market represents a 3rd wave of VCSEL deployment, with the distinct possibility of requiring a more than doubling of VCSEL production worldwide. OPSYS Tech Ltd., which exclusively works on VCSEL based Pure Solid-State High Resolution LiDAR, and Lumentum, one of the top VCSEL vendors worldwide, will discuss the key challenges for the productization of VCSELs for the automotive market.
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