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Enabling High Performance Imaging Radar with Central Processing and Virtual Aperture Imaging Software

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2022

Hear from:

Paul Dentel
Sr. Technical Product Manager, Radar Systems,


Today’s edge-processed imaging radar systems lack the compute capabilities to enable high-performance radar machine learning, as well as the memory speed to transfer the data and maximize the features of the latest radar transceivers. These systems also consume too much power, leading to thermal challenges. The solution is to use a central domain controller for radar data processing.This presentation addresses the benefits of combining centrally processed radar data with AI virtual aperture imaging software, which enables significantly better angular resolution and point-cloud density with standard and cost-effective radar semiconductor components. First, the limitations of edge-processed radar will be addressed, followed by how these challenges can be resolved via centrally processed radar. Next, data transport from the radar module to the central processor will be discussed. Then, virtual aperture imaging software technology will be introduced and its benefits discussed, including dynamic modulation of radar transmit signals and hardware/software sparsity.

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