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Enabling Higher-Performance 4D Imaging Radar With Central AI Processing of Raw Data

Event: AutoSens Detroit
| Published: 24th May 2023

Hear from:

Paul Dentel
Sr. Technical Product Manager, Radar Systems,


The automotive radar market is rapidly moving to adopt centralized processing of raw radar data, to enable higher-performance radar sensing while simultaneously lowering power consumption and cost. With central processing, AI will be applied in new and industry-changing ways. This presentation addresses the benefits of using AI in high-performance domain controllers to enable 360-degree imaging radar sensing around the vehicle. First, an overview of the architecture will be presented to provide a common understanding of central radar processing. Additionally, two different AI applications will be presented to provide concrete examples of how this architecture can be applied. In the AI application section, new enhancements using virtual aperture imaging software technology will be introduced, including the benefits of dynamic modulation of radar transmit signals and hardware/software sparsity. A second application will also be presented on the performance benefits for an AI-enhanced tracker across a vehicle’s front radar and two corner radars.

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