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FOCUS: Defining the 5 key challenges for software-based vehicles

Event: AutoSens FOCUS
| Published: June 2021

Hear from:

Andreas Herzig
Partner, Global Lead Automotive Risk Advisory,


Andreas Herzig leads the global automotive risk operation at Deloitte, one of the world’s leading consulting firms. Bringing a deep technical understanding to help put current trends into context Herzig identifies the key challenges facing OEMs and the supply chain both in the near term, and longer vision towards autonomy.

In a discussion expertly guided by Junko Yoshida, former Global Editor in Chief at EE Times, this wide-ranging interview will cover topics such as:

  • How OEMs need to change their design and manufacturing processes
  • What does the future software ecosystem look like?
  • Why OTA isn’t the quick fix everyone is looking for…
  • How to build trust and ensure safety in automotive software
  • What are the critical industry-driven standards required?
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