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How can the latest generation of high power VCSEL chips address the challenges of automotive LiDAR systems?

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2020
As significant progress towards ADAS level 3 consumer vehicles is made, more automotive OEMs are looking at LiDAR technology. We are seeing cost-driven LiDAR approach without sacrificing performance: size, location, eye safety and reliability are still key design targets. To meet those stringent requirements, a practical and scalable approach to photonic integration is required. Significant progress has been made toward commercialization of LiDAR systems for early deployment in autonomous shuttles, robotaxis, and high-end, ADAS level 2-3 consumer vehicles. We will discuss photonic solutions used in automotive LiDAR applications with focus on the light sources which meet the design challenges for next-gen, wide-scale, extended range 3D sensing applications.
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