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Improving Safety with 3D Thermal Ranging

Event: AutoSens Detroit
| Published: June 2020
We will discuss the use of thermal imagers which are ideally suited to address these issues and are uniquely able to improve safety. Thermal cameras operate in any lighting condition, are impervious to solar glare and with a wavelength 10x visible penetrate obscurants like smoke, fog and haze that leave other sensors in the dark. Moreover, they are particularly good at detecting the thermal signature of people and animals as well as hot objects like vehicles. Thermal cameras are available in HD resolution, support 3D ranging while running at high frame rates, essential attributes for safe autonomous vehicle operation. With images nearly as sharp as a visible camera, and always available, existing perception investments can be leveraged for quick deployment. Finally, thermal cameras improve safety by offering both data redundancy and diversity within the traditional sensor suite.
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