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iTOF for short range – Advantages & Challenges

Event: AutoSens Detroit
| Published: 24th May 2023

Hear from:

Richard Conroy


Arthur Duhamel
Applications Engineer,


Nowadays cars are only partially autonomous. Time-of-flight technology is already under evaluation for interior monitoring because of new NCAP requirements . The potential scope of ToF, however, goes way beyond the interior use case: ToF cameras are able to monitor the surroundings of the vehicle with distance information at a high resolution. This is critical to enable safe navigation for autonomous vehicles at low speed in heavy traffic conditions for example or features like autonomous parking. Enabling safety applications require the use of camera modules and sensors designed for functional safety according to ISO26262. Safety camera systems have to be functional in all conditions and ToF distance measurements must be accurate and reliable. While traditionally ToF cameras can suffer from artefacts due to bright scene reflections (typical in automotive), Chronoptics MixedPixel multipath mitigation technology can be used to recover true distance measurements in these challenging conditions.

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