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Localization in Challenging Weather and GPS-denied environments

Event: AutoSens Detroit
| Published: 24th May 2023

Hear from:

Byron Stanley
CTO / Co-Founder,


All ADAS systems disclaim operation in challenging weather conditions. Autonomous vehicles in the United States are primarily deployed in the desert southwest. Millions of drivers operate daily in fog, heavy rain, and snow-covered roads. Most high value markets for freight, taxis, and consumer vehicles are in the other parts of the country and world where challenging weather conditions exist.
This talk will discuss the current technical challenges and gaps of sensors and systems attempting to operate in challenging weather and GPS denied conditions. It will then show with technical charts, data, and video demonstrations that localization in weather and in GPS denied environments has been solved through introduction of a-priori map based GPR positioning sensors. The talk will conclude by discussing ongoing development and deployments of GPR sensors.

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