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Next-Generation Data Flow capturing within the car: why Connected, Autonomous, Electric vehicles of the future need a new solution

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2020
In the Era of autonomous driving one key challenge for the test and validation is the reliable capture of relevant in-vehicle-traffic from different communication technologies. Conventional CAN busses, as well as CAN-FD, LIN, RS-232, Analogue, and in some cases FlexRay, still play an important role in the function execution of modern cars. Lately, more and more, Automotive Ethernet communication segments (100BASE-T1, 1000BASE-T1 and additional speed grades coming soon) are an essential part of the vehicle’s on-board-network. The challenges that arise during test and validation include a reliable capture of Audio Video Briding/ Time Sensitive Network (AVB/TSN) traffic, without interfering with the network timing, as well as simultaneous capture of legacy IVN and Automotive Ethernet. This challenge gets even bigger, with the need for diagnostics protocols to be sent to the DUTs during run-time. Not to mention the limitations on newer standards regarding modifications to the cable harness to attach measurement tools. Technica Engineering has the longest experience in providing testing tools for Automotive Ethernet. Since the very first implementation of BroadR-Reach â„¢ in 2008 for BMW and Broadcom, Technica Engineering has pioneered the Automotive Ethernet testing landscape, tackling the challenges of test and validation of modern car E/E systems. One must wonder, when we have all these existing technologies in a vehicle, why do we opt for something completely different as a point to point ethernet technology? Why was it needed?
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