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Radar based vital signs monitoring: how it works and why you want to use it

Event: InCabin Phoenix
| Published: 28th March 2023

Hear from:

Director, Sensor Technologies,

Radar can be used to measure heart rate via exquisite measurement of skin vibration during every heartbeat and respiration rate by measuring the movement of the chest cavity at each breath. Measurement of these vital signs offers a wealth of information beyond what can be gleaned visually with conventional camera-based driver monitoring systems. For example, one may be visually calm while experiencing great stress. But heart rate and respiration rate changes reveal what even the most stoic individual is experiencing. Additionally having radar in-cabin can also offer child presence detection, occupancy detection, and other features at little to no additional cost. In this talk we will cover the basics of how radar based VSM works, what features it enables, how one could use it to enhance automotive safety and convenience, and where it beats cameras for in-cabin monitoring

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