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Smart data pipeline – separate the wheat from the chaff for raw sensor data

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2021

Hear from:

Strategic Product Manager,

b-plus GmbH

On the one hand the amount of data recorded during vehicle test drives has to be collected by complex vehicle setups, which have to be managed properly. Measurement equipment and test drives have to be permanently accessible, monitored and updated in the field.
On the other hand, every bit collected has to be ingested into the data centers, which requires high bandwidth connections between ingest stations. At the same time these raw data coming from test drives typically comes in raw to the data lake.
The smart data pipeline offers a smart recording architecture, where relevant data is already pre-selected while recording in the vehicle. Selecting the right data for AI training and validation saves cloud storage and speeds up development process with sensorics, especially the acquisition to simulation time of data.

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