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Software-Designed Vehicles: Growing Impact on ADAS, AVs & Sensors

Event: AutoSens Detroit
| Published: 24th May 2023

Hear from:

Egil Juliussen
Sr. Partner & Principal Analyst at VSI Labs. Contributor to EE Times,

VSI Labs

The implementation of software-defined vehicles will have a growing influence on ADAS, AVs and their sensors. This presentation explores what the impact could be. System architecture such as domain and zone ECUs are already on the way with Ethernet next. Software innovation such as SOA (service-oriented architecture) and containers will impact most software. Many ADAS and AV standards have been passed and will impact the hardware and software design and deployment. Examples are ISO 21448, IEEE P2846 and UL 4600. Current and future regulation for ADAS and AVs may be even more impactful as they may change operational procedure during the 10 to15-year life-time of SDVs. Examples are UNECE WP.29 which requires changes in deploying cybersecurity and OTA software updates. AV regulation are emerging with first versions released in many countries including UK, Germany EU and U.S. SDVs are unstoppable, because the benefits and cost saving are so great, but it may take a decade until the transition is done for legacy OEMs.

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