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The future of Automotive Software – Open Collaboration for safer Mobility of the future ‘building a toolchain for Autonomous Driving with Open Source

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2020
Working in the field of autonomous driving and autonomous mobility requires many multi-faceted processes incorporating a variety of software tools. In particular, any software that will be used in a vehicle must undergo rigorous testing as part of the verification and validation (V&V) strategy. As of now, there is no single tool to cover e.g. all simulation needs from the detailed level of the vehicle to the transportation system as a whole.’ However, coupling different simulators is also not an easy task as there is no standard for interoperability between various simulation tools in development.’ Moreover, analyzing the system-under-test with tools provided by commercial simulation software vendors often leads to a lock-in effect, where use of one tool makes use of another prohibitively expensive.’ This costs the automotive industry more time and money than should be necessary. With OpenADx we leveraging the current tool landscape and tying in players from industry and academia. We will fine-tune the development tool chain to the needs of our industry. We do this by integrating existing products in the market, adjusting existing tools to our needs, and developing additional tools through Open Source Software (OSS) where none today currently exist. And we will bring areas of expertise together in order to make the complex AD tool landscape more easily accessible for all stakeholders.
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