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The future of LiDAR and autonomous driving: lessons from the past 5 years testing in sensor hell

Event: AutoSens Brussels
| Published: September 2022

Hear from:

Joseph Notaro
Chief Commercial Officer,


LiDAR powered sensor suites are crucial to the safe development and deployment of full autonomy across the automotive world. As practical experience with LiDAR grows, the industry is discovering reoccurring issues and limitations in legacy solutions fitted for on-road use. Baraja recognizes a new path forward, as the pitfalls of legacy sensor perception and hardware issues are revealed in some of the harshest environments on earth. Baraja develops game-changing LiDAR solutions, underpinned by Spectrum-Scan™ technology a patented architecture that combines the invention of a solid-state fast axis scanning method with Random Modulated Continuous Wave (RMCW) ranging. This novel combination of core technologies allows for no-compromise, unprecedented LiDAR performance, reliability and capabilities, including Doppler velocity measurement and foveation, that will enable a fully-autonomous future without the costly trade-offs of legacy technologies.

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