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Could the Chiplet Save Moore’s Law?

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Hear from:

Edo Cohen
VP Automotive Product,

Valens Semiconductor

Bart Placklé
Vice President Automotive,


Junko Yoshida
Editor in Chief,

The Ojo Yoshida Report

Simon Verghese
Director Sensor Systems,

Waymo LLC

Released on October 05, 2023

Chiplets have the potential to contribute to the evolution of semiconductor technology and help address some challenges associated with Moore’s Law. This exponential technology presents a new paradigm in the semiconductor industry, allowing developers to enhance power efficiency, improve yield, and optimise performance with their modular nature. However, challenges still remain: how does the industry integrate connectivity? What standards and norms should be applied for true centralised processing to be achieved? And how do we minimise latency and power consumption?

Join this panel to discuss the opportunities and challenges chiplet technology brings to the automotive industry.

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