Session Track: What's next for RADAR? - Chair: Juergen Hoellisch, Founder and CEO, Hoellisch Consulting

Better Localization with Better Data



Precise and reliable localization is a critical requirement for enabling safe ADAS and autonomous driving. Lidars and cameras are severely compromised by adverse weather and radars often cannot provide localization due to landmark scarcity or homogeneous environments.
GPR discusses looking in a different direction to localize regardless of ODD and environmental condition- beneath the vehicle’s surface. This underground data is the only landmark readily available for localization in any weather condition, GNSS-denied areas, on all terrain and geographies. Also, unaffected by snow, rain, or any other obstructions, and does not share the failure points of other sensors.
GPR discusses localization with high availability and greater functional safety using subterranean data. This level of reliable, precise localization is the missing piece in sensor modality for safe and comprehensive ADAS and autonomy stacks.

Hear from:

Noah Gedrimas
VP of Strategy,


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