Mark Costin

Mark Costin

Distinguished Functional Safety Engineer


About Mark Costin

Mark Costin is a Functional Safety Engineer at NVIDIA responsible for safety analyses of autonomous driving. He has been involved in the development of ISO 26262, “Road Vehicles – Functional Safety,” in the US TAG and international working group since 2010. Mark is currently one of 7 technical experts representing the US for ISO TC22/SC32/WG8, which is responsible for ISO 26262 and ISO 21448, “Road Vehicles – Safety of the Intended Functionality.” He is also international lead for Part 10 of ISO 26262 and for annexes C & D for the 2nd edition of ISO 21448, which is currently under development. He is the US lead for ISO TC22/SC32/WG14, which is creating ISO/PAS 8800 to enhance functional safety for automotive systems developed using AI/Machine Learing. He is also active with IEEE P2846 and UL 4600. Previously, Mark chaired the SAE J2716 SENT Task Force.

Prior to joining NVIDIA, Mark was a Functional Safety Engineer at Google[X] (now Waymo) and Apple. He also worked at General Motors developing safety and controls for Electronic Throttle Controls and other safety-critical and cybersecurity systems. Mark holds a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, an M.Eng from McMaster University and a B.Eng with minor in Computer Science from McGill University. He is a Fellow of the SAE and an IEEE Senior Member.

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