Pier Paolo Porta

Pier Paolo Porta

Marketing Director


About Pier Paolo Porta

Pier Paolo Porta is responsible for Ambarella’s Automotive European Business Unit as well as stereovision-related product marketing. In July 2005, he received the Dr. Ing. (Master) degree in Electronic Engineering from Università di Parma, Italy. In 2005 he also joined VisLab, the Artificial Vision research group at the Università di Parma, where he earned a PhD in Information Technology in 2010. In 2009, Porta was one of the founding associates of VisLab srl, and from 2010 he was part of the Board of Governors of the company until it was acquired by Ambarella in 2015. Porta’s background is in autonomous driving and ADAS, and he is focused on stereovision, sensor fusion, and traffic sign recognition.

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