Ralf Muenster

Ralf Muenster

VP Business Development and Marketing


About Ralf Muenster

Ralf J. Muenster serves as the Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at SiLC. With over two decades of experience in commercializing and growing differentiated high-tech businesses, he has a proven track record of expanding customer and partnership engagements. Previously, he held the position of Director at Texas Instruments’ CTO office, where he identified and developed new growth vectors and strategic technology partnerships for the company. Muenster has held various executive positions in the semiconductor industry, including as an intrapreneur and business executive at National Semiconductor, Micrel, and AMD, where he led the automotive market segment. He also founded a successful computer start-up in Germany and conducted research in the photonics field as a scientist at the University of California at Berkeley. Muenster earned his master’s degree in physics from the Technical University in Munich and is a multiple U.S. patent holder. He is a prolific author and is frequently invited to speak at top industry events.

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