Tyler Warga

Tyler Warga

Senior Strategic Marketing Analyst

Robert Bosch GmbH

About Tyler Warga

Tyler Warga is a Senior Strategic Marketing Analyst for Interior sensing solutions within Bosch, supporting product development and marketing activities. The team he is part of seeks to provide a full understanding of driver, occupants, and the entire cabin scene. Their automotive domain understanding combined with a strong expertise in computer vision and sensor systems enables Bosch to offer superior safety and comfort and make driving a safe experience. Tyler has supported a wide range of products at Bosch, ranging from infotainment to connectivity, as well as automated driving and driver assistance technology. He has a unique perspective with these products, leading activities related to product compliance, government affairs and more recently strategic marketing and program management. He graduated with a Bachelor’s in Economics and Political Science from the University of Michigan, Dearborn in 2017.

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