
ASEUR24 unique head

What makes AutoSens unique?

I used to do a lot of talking to new clients, partners, speakers and otherwise about AutoSens, but my job these days is less customer-facing, so I don’t get to talk about it so much.
That said, as the team grows, we have spent more time recently to focus on how we talk about the conferences, the engineering community and everything that makes AutoSens so special, and it’s been a good opportunity to revisit these unique values, and the reasons I believe AutoSens has built such a strong following over the last 9 years.

What makes AutoSens unique? Read More »

CLEUR24 press release feature image

AutoSens Europe: Announcing a Formal Endorsement from STA, the Automotive Engineering Association of Spain

Sense Media Group, organisers of AutoSens and InCabin conference and exhibition series, due to take place in Barcelona, Spain from 8-10 October 2024 are proud to announce a formal endorsement from Sociedad de Técnicos de Automoción (STA), the automotive engineering association of Catalunya. Find out more below…

AutoSens Europe: Announcing a Formal Endorsement from STA, the Automotive Engineering Association of Spain Read More »

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