Top Trends Casting Full Beam on Our 2022 Events

Top trends casting a full beam on our AutoSens InCabin

As the heatwave pushed across Europe, things hotted up here at Sense Media HQ as we built momentum ahead of the September 2022 AutoSens and InCabin conferences. 


Intel Acquires Codeplay

I couldn’t be happier for long-time AutoSens friends Andrew Richards and Charles Macfarlane, Codeplay is a unique company and almost everyone I mention them to have hinted that their approach is an important component of the future of software development in automotive. We’ve seen quite a few AutoSens partners evolve and be acquired – who will be the next one

Photonic Chip Performs Image Recognition at the Speed of Light

This is an interesting development from the University of Pennsylvania, their new device marks the first deep neural network implemented entirely on an integrated photonic device in a scalable manner. “Computation-by-propagation, where the computation takes place as the wave propagates through a medium, can perform computation at the speed of light,” says the study’s author, Firooz Aflatouni. At AutoSens we don’t just have industry innovations, we also feature the latest academic research that stands to impact our sector… 

Apple Embraces the Ever-Expanding Dashboard Touchscreen 

Driver distraction is a huge talking point right now, and Apple’s announcement about its next-gen CarPlay comes at an interesting time in the discussion. Let’s face it, we’d all much rather use Google Maps for navigation vs the clunky OEM equivalents, or control our car using the familiar interface of the iPhone. But are these integrations increasing driver distraction, and how much does that really matter? Last year’s inaugural InCabin event addressed human factors, HMI and more!

The EU Has a Chip Plan. Can it Execute?

Details of Europe’s semiconductor strategy are being debated. The keys to success are maintaining and expanding the current chip ecosystem while laying the groundwork to leverage advanced manufacturing nodes. George Leopold’s series on the global chip crisis makes for informative reading and this edition features an interview with the CEO of Yole Developpement. Registration to The Ojo-Yoshida Report required but it’s free to sign up and well worth the paid subscription too.

Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview

Since this article was published by The Washington Post, there’s been quite a bit of online discussion on the topic, and I came across this (edited) transcription of Blake Lemoine’s interview with LaMDA, Google’s most advanced chatbot. It’s a fascinating read, like something from a sci-fi novel. I’m naturally skeptical, and this poses more questions for me that I have the AI knowledge to answer, but it’s worth checking out if it’s not popped up on your radar. I’d love to hear your views, I know we have plenty of AI experts in our community 

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2024 ADAS Guide

The state-of-play in today’s ADAS market

With exclusive editorials from Transport Canada and SAE;  the ADAS Guide is free resource for our community. It gives a detailed overview of features in today’s road-going vehicles, categorized by OEM, alongside expert analysis.