
David Bruemmer

Senior Advisor


About David Bruemmer

David Bruemmer works within the Director’s Office at DARPA advising robotics initiatives in ground, air, space and water. He is also the founder and CEO of W8less which provides positioning and robotics solutions for military, mining, automotive and logistics. Previously, David has led pioneering robotics and self-driving programs for the Army, Navy, the DOE, DARPA and the Department of Transportation. David received an R&D100 award for developing the first AI system fielded on military robots. The latest version is now the common AI brain used as a standard on many military vehicles. Other firsts include working on a 100 robot swarm for the DoD and a UAS swarm for the Department of Energy.  He is a Board Advisor to the Autonomy Institute, has published over 65 journal articles and conference papers, and has been awarded 20 patents in robotics, autonomy, positioning, and radar.

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