Natasha Merat

Natasha Merat

Chair in Human Factors of Transport Systems

University of Leeds

About Natasha Merat

Professor Merat is an experimental psychologist, and Director of Virtuocity@Leeds. Her main research interests are in understanding the interaction of road users with new technologies, including driver distraction/inattention and impairment. She is an expert in the human factors implications of highly automated vehicles. She has been PI to key pojects on AVs, including AdaptIVe , CityMobil2, InterACT, HumanDrive, and L3PILOT. She currently leads the User sub-project of Hi-Drive. Professor Merat is Chair of the TRB sub-committee on Human Factors in Road Vehicle Automation; the European Chair of the trilateral (EU-US-Japan) Working Group on Human Factors of AVs and co-chair of an ISO task force on design guidelines for future DMS.

University of Leeds

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